Organogram – Royal Manas National Park

The National Park is spearheaded by the Chief Forestry Officer and is responsible for the overall management and administration of RMNP. There are broadly four sections under RMNP namely Research, Information and Management Planning Section, Communities, Recreation and Development Section, Conservation and Protection Section and Resource Allocation Section. The Park is divided into 3 Ranges viz.,Manas Range,Umling Range and Gomphu Range.

The staff strength of Royal Manas National Park is comparatively much higher than the other Parks, since park is located in the south-central part of the Country and whole stretch of south park boundary falls from the Sukuntaklai I/B interception the boundary heads east along the I/B until the interception of Soimari river and I/B.

The whole stretches mentioned above is bottle neck of the Royal Manas National Park faces the pressure from the illegal poaching of wildlife and timber smuggler from across the border due to porous borders and have to carry out frequent routine patrolling almost in regular basis. The patrolling duty in these stretches could not conduct with few nos. of field staff due to risk of life during the encounter with the poachers and militant, for this minimum staff required in the group at least 10-15 staff, because of this the strength of staff is more in RMNP and it requires continuous in future too to curbed the illegal activities.


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