Local Forest Management Plans are one of the area-based forest management plans prepared by the Department to manage forest resources on a sustainable basis. The Local Forest Management Plans (LFMPs) are prepared by Field Divisions/Parks and Forest Resources Management Division (FRMD) are mandated to provide technical backstopping to the field divisions during the process of plan preparation based on the principles of sustainable Forest Management. Besides technical backstopping, FRMD is also mandated to provide periodic training on the planning and preparation of LFMPs to the technical officers based at the field divisions so as to keep them updated on the changing needs and technical know-how of sustainable forest management.

In view of the importance of the management plan and the need for capacity building for our planners in the field, a total of 19 forestry officials from 5 field Divisions, 4 Protected Area offices, and Ugyen Wangchuk Institute of Conservation and Environmental Research are currently undergoing 4 days training on Local Forest Management Planning at Bumthang. Most of the trainees are undergoing the training for the first time and will be actively involved in Local Forest Management Planning once back to their respective jurisdictions.

The training is imparted by Forest Resources Management Division (FRMD) with financial support from GEF_LDCF Project Enhancing Sustainability and Climate Resilience of Forest and Agricultural Landscape and Community Livelihoods”.  The training started on 15th March 2021 and will end on 18th March 2021.

–Forest Resources Management Division


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